A New Year – Un nou an – Egy új év – Ein neues Jahr

A new year has just begun. Will it be easier than 2020? We don’t know. But however it may be, may we always be the people the Lord wants us to be. May we always remain human and kind. May we always have a loving heart and willing hands to bear another’s burdens! And may

A Blessed Christmas to All! – Áldott karácsonyt! – Crăciun binecuvântat! – Gesegnete Weihnachten!

This Christmas I look back into the past and wish you a blessed Christmas with two old recordings. The first one in Hungarian, the second in Romanian. Both about Him, who is the reason for the season. Christmas is about Christ! Merry Christmas to all! Ezen a karácsonyon visszatekintek a múltba és egy régi, egyszerű

My Testimony in Song – Mărturia mea în cântec – Elénekelt bizonyságom

What is my “Song of the Month” initiative and where can you find it? Find out in this blog post, in which I tell you about the July song, my testimony in song.
Ce este inițiativa mea „Cântecul lunii” și unde o găsiți? Aflați în acest articol de blog în care vă povestesc despre cântecul lunii iulie, mărturia mea în cântec.
Mi „A hónap dala” kampányom és hol találhatjátok? Tudjátok meg ebben a blogbejegyzésben, melyben a júliusi dalról, az elénekelt bizonyságomról, mesélek egy kicsit nektek.

Pure Joy – Bucurie pură – Tiszta öröm

What an amazing video! Please watch it and share your thoughts and feelings with me! I would love to read them!
Ce video minunat! Vă rog uitați-vă la el și împărtășiți gândurile și sentimentele vostre cu mine. Mi-ar face o mare plăcere să le citesc.
Milyen csodțlatos video! Kérlek nézzétek meg és osszátok meg velem gondolataitokat és érzéseiteket. Nagy örömmel olvasnám őket.

He Lives! – Ő él! – El trăiește!

Wishing you all Happy Easter with this song – Ezzel a dallal kívánok Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket mindnyájatoknak – Cu acest cântec doresc să vă urez tuturor un Paște Fericit

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Come Thou fount of every blessing tune my heart to sing Thy grace! What a beautiful song with deep meaning. It has been playing in my head over and over again the last week of January, so I decided to record it, so you may hear it too. May we all feel as these lyrics describe. May we all have a desire to give our heart to the Lord! ♡

Merry Christmas! – Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket! – Crăciun Fericit! – Fröhliche Weihnachten! – Feliz Navidad! – Buon Natale! – Joyeux Noël!

Merry, Merry Christmas to you and yours! And a Blessed, Happy New Year! With the 200 year Anniversary of Silent Night, I couldn’t have chosen another song to wish you Merry Christmas this year than this special, peaceful composition with lyrics by Joseph Mohr and music by Franz Xaver Gruber. No Christmas goes by without us gathering around

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