The Greatest Love of All

In some parts of the world there is a day set apart to celebrate love during the month of February. In many places it is called Valentine’s day. At first we learn that this day is about love towards everyone. We make cards for our parents and all our classmates and friends. And it is beautiful.

Then it slowly shifts into the celebration of a different kind of love. And we give or receive roses and chocolate, and watch movies about great love stories. And this too is beautiful.

But I’d like to believe that this day can be much more than that.

I want to believe that on Valentine’s day we can also celebrate the greatest love we’ve ever received and the greatest love story that ever came to pass.

“Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands” Isaiah 49:16. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down His life for His friends.” John 15:13 Nobody loves us more than He does and He loves us all regardless of our circumstances, background, state or status! During this month when we celebrate love, let us also remember and celebrate the One who offers perfect love to all!

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me! On Valentine’s Day and always.

The greatest love story ever written, was written in the palms of His hands

Izabela Geambasu

The greatest love story ever written, was written in the palms of His hands. “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands” Isaiah 49:16. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down His life for His friends.” John 15:13 Nobody loves us more than He does and He loves us all regardless of our circumstances, background, state or status! During this month when we celebrate love, let us also remember and celebrate the One who offers perfect love to all!

A legcsodálatosabb szeretetről szóló történet ami valaha íródott, az Ő tenyereibe volt írva. „Ímé, az én tenyerembe metszettelek fel téged.” Ézsaiás 49:16. „Nincsen senkiben nagyobb szeretet annál, mintha valaki életét adja az ő barátaiért.” János 15:13 Senki sem szeret minket Nála jobban. Ő mindnyájunkat szeret helyzetünktől függetlenül! E hónapban, amikor a szeretetet ünnepeljük, emlékezzünk meg Róla is, Megváltónkról, aki tökéletes szeretettel szeret mindnyájunkat!

Cea mai frumoasă poveste de dragoste scrisă vreodată a fost scrisă în palmele mâinilor Sale. „Iată că te-am gravat în palmele mânilor Mele” Isaia 49:16. „Nu este mai mare dragoste decât să-şi dea cineva viaţa pentru prietenii săi.” Ioan 15:13 Nimeni nu ne iubește mai mult decât El și toți suntem iubiți de El oricare ar fi situația noastă! În luna în care sărbătorim dragostea, să ne amintim și de Cel care oferă dragoste perfectă tuturor!

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