Motivational Events

Motivational events are meant to inspire and to motivate, to raise awareness, to challenge to act and to do the right thing, a call to believe. They are to give purpose. Is your audience formed of a group of women who need to find purpose, or a group of volunteers that need motivation? This is the perfect event type for you.

We Can Do More

We are all children of God. We are different but that makes us special. No one else can take our place and no one else can do the things that we are meant to do. And we have so much to do. And we can always do more. “There are lives to brighten, There are hearts touch. There are souls to save. Ours is the sacred privilege to brighten, to touch, and to save those precious souls entrusted to our care.” (Thomas S. Monson) So get up and do, because there is always more that we can do. Find the one that needs your help and love, is the inspired message of this heartwarming, uplifting and encouraging musical fireside.

The Power of Love

Love is the balm of Gilead. The ointment to every wound. Be it spiritual or physical. Love heals. There is no greater power on Earth than love. Love is the essence of our beings, of our lives, of God and of creation itself. Love should be every fiber of our being. This is the essence of the Power of Love fireside.

You Are Special

Based on Max Lucado’s children’s book entitled “You Are Special”, this musical fireside treats the idea of being purposely created by God to look the way we do and have the unique traits, strengths and weaknesses that we do, and the fact that God doesn’t make mistakes in His creations. It is a strongly motivating, anti bullying fireside that helps the audience understand and know how truly special they are, and how their uniqueness is what makes them special. It encourages to believe in that uniqueness and not listen to outside judgments. It teaches acceptance and belief in oneself and ones individuality, builds confidence and invites to appreciate who we are and who others are, each of us with our own uniqueness.

A Grateful Heart

“O Lord that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.” wrote William Shakespeare. And what greater gift and blessing can we ask of God? When we know that a grateful heart is a happy heart. A grateful heart is an abundant heart. A grateful heart is one that finds the countless blessing of God in the seemingly mundane everyday life. A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles. And a grateful heart is the key to everything. Come and find out how during this 75 minute long musical fireside of gratitude.

I Can Do All Things in Christ

Nothing is impossible to those who follow and have faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are the only ones limiting our faith. He said “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” Matt. 17:20. Do we have enough faith to actually believe Him when he says that? The “I Can Do All Things in Christ” fireside talks about the truth of this statement and about our part in its fulfillment in our lives.

I Am a Child of God

A fireside that treats the topic of all humankind being children of God and what this means.

Other topics

  • Anti-bullying
  • Strengthening women
  • Raising awareness about anxiety and depression
  • The eradication of domestic violence
  • The eradication of poverty
  • The importance of parents in their child’s education (and spiritual well-being)

Choose your topic

Haven’t found what you looking for in the topics above? Then choose your own topic that best suits the needs of your audience. Let Izabela know at least a month in advance and she will bring you the motivational musical fireside or concert that you requested, specifically tailored to your needs.


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