Vezi Lumina (Come See the Light – Romanian Album)
“Vezi Lumina (Come See the Light)” is the first full album published by Izabela Geambașu. Its title comes form its title song Come See the Light, written by composer and producer by Jason Barney of Talmage Music for the Reflections of Christ project. Its coming into existence is deeply rooted in Izabela’s desire to bring the music of the gospel to her people in their own native tongue. As Izabela is a very shy person who lacks confidence when it comes to her music, this album wouldn’t have come to pass had it not been for her friends’ encouragement.
“For me music means life, happiness, light, refuge, and first and foremost communication with God. I am grateful to Him and to all those who have helped us produce this first Romanian album. I hope it will bring you peace, light and comfort” – said Izabela.
Her wonderful pianist, Julia DeLong, whom Izabela esteems so highly and for whom she is very grateful, added “I am grateful for the chance to share <the peaceable things of the kingdom> through music.”
It is their hope that this album of sacred music will help Romanians, and not only, come closer to Christ and find joy in Him.
Két szent kéz (His Hands – Hungarian Album)
Though “Két szent kéz (His Hands)” is Izabela Geambașu’s second album, it is her first full album in the Hungarian language. It received its title from Izabela’s go to song, as she calls it, written and composed by the wonderful and well-known, award-winning singer/songwriter Kenneth Cope, for his album “Greater Than Us All”.
“To me it has always been both languages, form the very beginning” – Izabela said. Both are equally important to me, and I have made a goal to release all my music, as much as possible and permitted, in both Hungarian and Romanian. When we listen to the songs of our heart in our own mother tongue, they seem leave an even deeper imprint on our very being. I know that it is God, who, through them, speaks to us, comforts us, teaches us and rejoices with us! I am so grateful to Him that I was able to bring this first Hungarian album to pass. Though I was physically alone for most of it’s studio work, I know that the Lord was by my side cheering me on and helping me not give up. I know it was His will for this album, both albums, and any further ones, to come into existence. I am humbled by His trust!”
Izabela hopes that this album will bless the lives of Hungarian, and not only Hungarian people everywhere, that it will bring them peace, light and solace.