- Traieste-al meu Mantutor - I Know that My Redeemer Lives!
- Daca Salvatorul ar fi langa mine - If the Savior Stood Beside Me
- Iubirea Domnului - I Feel My Savior's Love
- Copil al Domnului - I Am a Child of God
- Veniti la Isus - Come unto Jesus
- Mainile Lui - His Hands
- Langa Tine, Doamne - Nearer My God to Thee
- Veniti voi neconsolati - Come Ye Disconsolate
- Lumina blanda, condu-ma - Lead Kindly Light
- Ramai cu mine pe-nserat - Abide with me 'Tis Eventide
- De Tine am nevoie - I Need Thee Every Hour
- Vezi lumina - Come See the Light
- Munți de urcat - Mountains to Climb
- Vom înainta - Press Forward
- Pace în Hristos - Peace in Christ
- De-L iubim - If We Love Him
- Mă duc și fac - I Will Go and Do
- Mociriță cu trifoi (Romanian folk song)
- Traieste-al meu Mantutor - I Know that My Redeemer Lives!
- Daca Salvatorul ar fi langa mine - If the Savior Stood Beside Me
- Iubirea Domnului - I Feel My Savior's Love
- Copil al Domnului - I Am a Child of God
- Veniti la Isus - Come unto Jesus
- Mainile Lui - His Hands
- Langa Tine, Doamne - Nearer My God to Thee
- Veniti voi neconsolati - Come Ye Disconsolate
- Lumina blanda, condu-ma - Lead Kindly Light
- Ramai cu mine pe-nserat - Abide with me 'Tis Eventide
- De Tine am nevoie - I Need Thee Every Hour
- Vezi lumina - Come See the Light
- Munți de urcat - Mountains to Climb
- Vom înainta - Press Forward
- Pace în Hristos - Peace in Christ
- De-L iubim - If We Love Him
- Mă duc și fac - I Will Go and Do
- Mociriță cu trifoi (Romanian folk song)
- Két kéz - His hands
- Érzem Jézus szeret - I Feel My Savior's Love
- Ha mellettem állna Jézus - If the Savior Stood Beside Me
- Isten gyermeke vagyok - I Am a Child of God
- Jézushoz gyertek - Come unto Jesus
- Vezess, kis fény! - Lead Kindly Light
- Maradj velem, az est leszállt - Abide with Me, 'Tis Eventide
- Jertek vigasztalanok - Come Ye Disconsolate
- Ó, légy mindig velem - I Need Thee Every Hour
- Hadd legyek, Istenem, közel Hozzád! -Nearer My God to Thee
- Tudom, hogy Szabadítóm él - I Know that My Redeemer Lives
- Engedd át - Lay It Down
- Bátran áll az ifjúság - For the Strength of Youth
- Mondj igent! - Say Yes!
- Jöjj, lásd a fényt! - Come, See the Light
- Megyek, megteszem - I Will Go and Do
- Két kéz - His hands
- Érzem Jézus szeret - I Feel My Savior's Love
- Ha mellettem állna Jézus - If the Savior Stood Beside Me
- Isten gyermeke vagyok - I Am a Child of God
- Jézushoz gyertek - Come unto Jesus
- Vezess, kis fény! - Lead Kindly Light
- Maradj velem, az est leszállt - Abide with Me, 'Tis Eventide
- Jertek vigasztalanok - Come Ye Disconsolate
- Ó, légy mindig velem - I Need Thee Every Hour
- Hadd legyek, Istenem, közel Hozzád! -Nearer My God to Thee
- Tudom, hogy Szabadítóm él - I Know that My Redeemer Lives
- Engedd át - Lay It Down
- Bátran áll az ifjúság - For the Strength of Youth
- Mondj igent! - Say Yes!
- Jöjj, lásd a fényt! - Come, See the Light
- Megyek, megteszem - I Will Go and Do
- Vertrau Ihm
- Vertrau Ihm
- He is Always There - words and music by Izabela Geambașu
- I'll Walk Upon the Water - Where Jesus Walked - music by Izabela Geambașu, words by Joanne W. Ward
- He is Always There - words and music by Izabela Geambașu
- I'll Walk Upon the Water - Where Jesus Walked - music by Izabela Geambașu, words by Joanne W. Ward
- Come Thou Fount
- Jesus, Lover of My Soul
- I Stand All Amazed
- In Christ Alone
- Another's Burdens - Lord, I Would Follow Thee
- Be Thou My Vision
- My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling
- My Redeemer Lives
- Love at Home
- Where Can I Turn for Peace?
- Come Thou Fount
- Jesus, Lover of My Soul
- I Stand All Amazed
- In Christ Alone
- Another's Burdens - Lord, I Would Follow Thee
- Be Thou My Vision
- My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling
- My Redeemer Lives
- Love at Home
- Where Can I Turn for Peace?
- Jöjj el elő víz forrása - Come Thou Fount
- Jézus, kérlek, tarts meg engem - Jesus Lover of My Soul
- Ámulok Jézus szeretetén - I Stand All Amazed
- Atyám szeret engem - My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Gyöngéden kedvesen hív Jézus téged - Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
- Tudom, hogy Szabadítóm él - My Redeemer Lives
- Ha szeretet van otthon - Love at Home
- Hol találok békét? - Where Can I Turn for Peace?
- Jöjj el elő víz forrása - Come Thou Fount
- Jézus, kérlek, tarts meg engem - Jesus Lover of My Soul
- Ámulok Jézus szeretetén - I Stand All Amazed
- Atyám szeret engem - My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Gyöngéden kedvesen hív Jézus téged - Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
- Tudom, hogy Szabadítóm él - My Redeemer Lives
- Ha szeretet van otthon - Love at Home
- Hol találok békét? - Where Can I Turn for Peace?
- Vino Tu, izvor de viață - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- Eu mă minunez - I Stand All Amazed
- Tatăl Ceresc mă iubește - My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Plin de iubire Isus azi te cheamă - Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
- Mântuitorul trăiește - My Redeemer Lives
- Dragoste în casă - Love at Home
- Unde găsesc pace? - Where Can I Turn for Peace?
- Vino Tu, izvor de viață - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- Eu mă minunez - I Stand All Amazed
- Tatăl Ceresc mă iubește - My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Plin de iubire Isus azi te cheamă - Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
- Mântuitorul trăiește - My Redeemer Lives
- Dragoste în casă - Love at Home
- Unde găsesc pace? - Where Can I Turn for Peace?
- Wo die Leibe wohnt - Love at Home
- Wo wird mir Trost zuteil? - Where Can I Turn for Peace?
- Jesus, dir gehört mein Herz - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
- Wo die Leibe wohnt - Love at Home
- Wo wird mir Trost zuteil? - Where Can I Turn for Peace?
- Jesus, dir gehört mein Herz - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
- Tutto è bello attorno a noi - Love at Home
- Attonito resto - I Stand All Amazed
- Tutto è bello attorno a noi - Love at Home
- Attonito resto - I Stand All Amazed
- ¡Oh Jesús mi gran amor! - Jesus Lover of My Soul
- Cuando hay amor - Love at Home
- ¡Oh Jesús mi gran amor! - Jesus Lover of My Soul
- Cuando hay amor - Love at Home
Love at Home
- Love at Home
- Wo die Liebe wohnt (German)
- Ha szeretet van otthon (Hungarian)
- Tutto è bello attorno a noi (Italian)
- Dragoste în casă (Romanian)
- Cuando hay amor (Spanish)
- Love at Home
- Wo die Liebe wohnt (German)
- Ha szeretet van otthon (Hungarian)
- Tutto è bello attorno a noi (Italian)
- Dragoste în casă (Romanian)
- Cuando hay amor (Spanish)
- Mennyből az angyal (Hungarian Christmas song) - in the Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City
- O Come, O Come Emmanuel - in the Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City
- Be Still My Soul {David Archuleta) - harmonized by Izabela Geambașu
- Mennyből az angyal (Hungarian Christmas song) - in the Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City
- O Come, O Come Emmanuel - in the Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City
- Be Still My Soul {David Archuleta) - harmonized by Izabela Geambașu
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