„Ő az ajándék” – „El este darul” – “He Is the Gift” — Christmas Musical Fireside Tour 2018

Ő az ajándék – Karácsonyi zenés beszélgetés körút Az első karácsonyi ajándék nem volt színes papírba csomagolva, nem volt masni rajta, nem a boltban, de még nem is az interneten vették. Az első karácsonyi ajándék egyszerű ajándék volt. Nem volt sem arany, sem ezüst, sem gyémánt, sem ékszer, sem autó, sem játék, sem bármilyen nagyértékű

Die Friede in Christus Tournee – Two Stops Added to the German Peace in Christ Tour

Praising Him through song in Germany 29 & 31 August 2018 THE GERMAN “PEACE IN CHRIST” MUSICAL FIRESIDE TOUR SECOND LEG:   Two stops have been added to the German Peace in Christ Musical Fireside Tour: Wednesday, August 29 at 6 PM UTC+02 Hainichener Straße 64, Freiberg 09599, Germany Show Map AND Friday, August 31

It’s finally here!

The Hungarian Album is finally here! It was a slow birth, but it is finally here! And I’m very excited and at the same time very nervous about it. 🙂 I know you guys have been waiting for quite some time and I am grateful for your constant sustaining and emotional support! I hope it

This Is Me

This is me: I’m just a simple girl, from humble circumstances, with a “love of God and of all men” and with a great desire to serve Him and His children. I don’t consider myself as being anything special. I love the Lord with all my heart and I want to consecrate my life to Him

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