Die Friede in Christus Tournee – The Peace in Christ Tour

Praising Him through song in Germany 27 & 29 April 2018




“There is peace in Christ, when we turn to Him, feel the love He had for us when He bore our sins. Listen to His words. Let them come alive. If we live the way He did, there is peace in Christ. He gives us hope when hope is gone. He gives us strength when we can’t go on. He gives us shelter in the storms of life. When there’s no peace on earth, there is peace in Christ.” – Peace in Christ (2018 For the Strength of Youth Theme Song)

“We can always find peace in Christ regardless of the storm we are facing. He is always there to lift us up and carry us until we can stand on our own two feet again. He is the source of true and lasting peace. The only source. So come unto Him and find peace.” – Izabela Geambașu

To listen to the song “Peace in Christ” click here.

Follow the news about the Friede in Christus Turnee on the tour’s Facebook page.

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